Lissa and Julie love supporting others in creative, inspiring ways!


Kind Words about our offerings

It can be scary to walk into a workshop or retreat, coaching or counseling session, hopeful, yet unsure of what to expect. Here is some feedback past participants and clients have shared with us. 


"Amazing, genuine, talented facilitators. Very dynamic and diverse programming. It exceeded my expectations! Powerful, extraordinarily so."

-Maggie Welder 

“Thank you so much for all of your support during this time of my life. Meeting with you helped me process, reflect and grow in ways that I couldn't have done without you and the expressive arts.”


 “Thank you for touching base with us as we settle back into our lives. Life seems so much more rich and colorful now after all the magic that began at the retreat. I’m feeling so nourished and hopeful. Coordinators, your combined beauty and energy created such an incredible experience for us all. It is my intention to keep the flame lit and the magic alive.”

-Marge Maycock

"This was pretty magical and life-changing for one workshop! The most powerful part was the sharing of stories…everything flowed beautifully. And the ending circle was beyond amazing—a jewel to savor and take into my life."   

-Sherry Lundquist


"Your activities were A+. Your instruction direct and thoughtful. And your presence and care unwavering. The entire event was incredibly well curated and executed, and the subsequent outcomes deliver high value to my life. Wild applause!!!"

-Jan Wencel


"I would like more experiences like this! When are we doing it again? Looking at life through this lens of love and being raised up by a powerful community is soul-food."

-Kat Bujard


"Any time I set intention around taking time and space to care for myself and listen to what the universe is offering/has to teach me, I always come away with the realization that I desire to continue to weave this into my life more and more. This time has supported that knowing and encouraged me to allow it to unfold and flourish in my every day." 

- A.C.

"This retreat was like a brief but deeply felt therapy session and a boost to my personal growth. This open-hearted sharing allowed me to open, heal, cleanse, and even shake off some “stuff” I’ve been struggling with but challenged to identify. Also—amazing food! Thank you and much gratitude!" 

-Ashley Wilberding


"This retreat gave me a facilitated opportunity to reflect, slow down, and process the life events that led me here. Lots of personal growth among a group of warriors on their own journeys. Thank you both for the time and attention you invested into this retreat. Your authenticity provided me with a safe and creative space to slow down enough to listen and process."  

-Chloe DeCamera


We are grateful for these kind words! We try to put our best efforts into our work and it delights us to witness and support our clients as they engage in the meaningful and challenging process of growing into lives of greater authenticity, strength, and joy.