21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Two


Welcome to Day Two of our 21-day journey inward toward Winter Solstice!

Set aside five minutes for yourself. Light a candle, wrap up in a fuzzy blanket, pour yourself a cup of tea: give yourself some small gift that acknowledges the space you are creating.


Now settle into a few minutes of a four-part breath. Inhale to a count of four, hold the breath in for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, hold the breath out for a count of four. Let yourself breathe at a pace that is comfortable for you. If your attention drifts, simply come back to the breath.

Take a moment and scan your body. Notice any sensations of heaviness, gripping, clenching, tension, or pain, and direct your breath toward these areas with the intention of softening them.

If these meditations feel good and right in your body, you may want to consider Maeve's incredible guided meditation experience--she will go far deeper than I can here, and she is a wonderfully talented guide into deepening your inward sense of connection. You can register here. 

When you feel present and ready, let the breath go and get out your journal or a paper and pen.

Think about what you love to feel, what you love to taste, what you love to smell, how you love to connect, what feels delicious to you, what you find deeply beautiful,  and what you are longing for.

Let your attention dwell fully on these questions and write down everything that comes to you.

Yesterday we wrote 5-word portraits of our current relationship with winter. ( If you haven't done that yet, find the activity here. )

Now, you are going to distill your writing into a 5-word portrait of how you want to feel.

(This may feel like ruthless editing, but really try and get it down to five words that carry the spirit of what you long to experience.)

Copy out your five words and put them somewhere where you will see them many times a day--perhaps a sticky note on your laptop, or a small list taped to the center of your steering wheel.

That's all for now...just let your five words infuse your consciousness for the next 24 hours, and I'll see you here tomorrow!

Feel free to comment below with any questions, or to share your 5-word portrait!

And if your five words are anything like mine, consider giving yourself the gift of locking in the early-bird rate on our winter retreat here.






21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Three


21 Days of Turning Inward: Day One