Depth Storytelling: The Goose Girl
REGISTER WITH VENMO - choose your rate
REGISTER WITH PAYPAL - choose your rate
The winter solstice marks the longest, darkest night of the northern hemisphere. It’s a time of incubation, gestation, and encounter with the shadow. It’s also a time to gather with those we love around the fire and share stories of the year past and the year to come.
This solstice, I will be sharing two stories I have long held as maps to the territory of heartbreak and healing. These stories help me to hold the question: how do we navigate losses without becoming lost ourselves?
Whether you are attending in person or online, please bring a journal or something to write in, and any blankets or pillows you need to feel comfortable. I’ll have warm tea and perhaps mulled cider for those of you attending in person.
***Please note that the venue has changed—we will be meeting at the Story Parlor in West Asheville. You can find details about the location and where to park here.***
You’ll be invited to share in some quiet writing to harvest what the story offered you, and then to engage in conversation regarding the themes and meaning of the story as we heard it. I’ll offer live music, poetry, journal prompts, and questions as we move through the evening to assist you in finding your own connections with the story.
This is the final story I will be sharing in the cycle of eight this year. Therefore this evening will last a little longer than the others, so that we can weave in the other seven stories at the end and hold them all together as we bid farewell to the year past.
Some people listen to the stories in person, here in Asheville, and others gather from around the world via GoogleMeet. Wherever you are in the world, I would love to share story with you.
All proceeds from your donations (after paying for the venue rental) will go to the ACLU, to support their longstanding work of defending systemic equality and civil liberties.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away).
Register by sending your chosen donation to either Paypal or Venmo with Goose Girl as the subject. Please please make sure that you also provide your email address (as a comment, or as part of the subject line) so I can be sure to send you further details about the event.
Financial transparency: I do not pay myself for these events. All funds gathered go directly to the beneficiary. There are two reasons I ask you to send the donations to me rather than directly to the beneficiary: 1) When I send all of our donations together, after we have experienced the story, I have a sense of building relationship between all of us, the story, and the cause we are supporting. That feels amazing. 2) When I send the donations under my name, I can deduct those donations from my participation in taxes that fund war. That also feels amazing.
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
REGISTER WITH VENMO - choose your rate
REGISTER WITH PAYPAL - choose your rate
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
Depth Storytelling: Allerleirauh
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is proof of your chosen donation to BeLoved Asheville.
“Without stories, we lack the cosmos that keeps us in touch with the universal reality. Without stories, we have no way to recollect ourselves when our personal world shatters. The “once upon a time” world of the fairy tale is the spaceless, timeless world of the soul. The ancient stories with their stark storylines map the many inner paths toward wholeness.”
-Marion Woodman
Halloween—Samhain—All Soul’s—is a powerful time of taking on new identities, trying on different shapes, and feeling into all of the losses we have sustained over the course of this year. When we wear the costume of the Princess, the Monster, the Superhero, we shapeshift a little into those qualities, and find them in ourselves.
This Samhain, I will be telling the fairytale Allerleirauh. This bleak story carries themes of betrayal, intrusion, transformation, and coming back to the truth of the self after terrible loss. This telling will interweave stories carrying similar themes from other times and places, as well as music and poetry.
This telling will be a little different than the others. Many of us are in mourning after Helene, and we will try to tell this story as a ritual we carry together, a ritual for weaving ourselves together and forward. I invite anyone, near and far, to join in—if you can’t attend live, register anyway, I’ll send you the recording and the journal prompts. Let’s cast the web of support far and wide.
For those of you attending in person, please bring a candle, a journal or something to write in, and any blankets or pillows you need to feel comfortable. I’ll have warm tea and perhaps mulled cider. You’ll be invited to share in some quiet writing to harvest what the story offered you, and then to engage in conversation regarding the themes and meaning of the story as we heard it. I’ll offer journal prompts and questions to assist you in finding your own connections with the story. There is no pressure to participate and it is fine just to listen and absorb.
Some people listen to the stories in person, here in my Asheville office, and others gather from around the world via GoogleMeet. Wherever you are in the world, I would love to share story with you. The more people join in from across the world, the more resources we will be able to funnel to those in our community who most need it in the wake of this terrible storm.
All proceeds from your donations will go to BeLoved Asheville, a community organization that has been caring for those most impacted by Helene here in Asheville and surrounding areas from day one.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away). If you have been directly impacted by the hurricane, show up! Your presence is your donation.
Register by sending your chosen donation to either Paypal or Venmo with Allerleirauh as the subject. Please please make sure that you also provide your email address (as a comment, or as part of the subject line) so I can be sure to send you further details about the event.
Financial transparency: I do not pay myself for these events. All funds gathered go directly to the beneficiary. There are two reasons I ask you to send the donations to me rather than directly to the beneficiary: 1) When I send all of our donations together, after we have experienced the story, I have a sense of building relationship between all of us, the story, and the cause we are supporting. That feels amazing. 2) When I send the donations under my name, I can deduct those donations from my participation in taxes that fund war. That also feels amazing.
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
REGISTER WITH VENMO - choose your rate
REGISTER WITH PAYPAL - choose your rate
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
The Children of Lir/The Wild Swans
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is proof of your chosen donation to Center for Native Health or Native Songbird Care.
“After working for many years in this field, I have come to the conclusion that all fairy tales endeavor to describe one and the same psychological fact, but a fact so complex and far reaching and so difficult for us to realize in all its different aspects that hundreds of tales and thousands of repetitions with a musician’s variations are needed until this unknown fact is delivered into consciousness; and even then the theme is not exhausted.” -Marie-Louise von Franz
For autumnal equinox, I will be telling two interwoven tales: the Irish myth of the Children of Lir, and the European fairy tale The Wild Swans. These haunting stories, though interpreted through different cultures, are deeply interconnected in symbol, motif, and image. We’ve already met Caer Ibormeith—the shapeshifting swan guardian of the dreamworld— and Gaoth, Lugh’s exiled sister of the air. Here’s a third strand in our swanfeather weaving, to honor these powerful denizens of earth, water, and sky as they wing their way south.
I warmly invite you to join in this evening of imaginal migration, poetry, song, story, and conversation.
The way depth storytelling goes, you’ll show up, make yourself comfortable, and listen to the story as though it is happening in your own heart, as though each of the characters and landscapes and symbols might be a part of you.
You’ll be invited to share in some quiet writing to harvest what the story offered you, and then to engage in conversation regarding the themes and meaning of the story as we heard it. I’ll offer journal prompts and questions to assist you in finding your own connections with the story. There is no pressure to participate and it is fine just to listen and absorb.
Some people listen to the stories in person, here in my Asheville office, and others gather from around the world via GoogleMeet.
All proceeds from each of these storytelling events go to a beneficiary that feels resonant with the themes of the story. Past recipients have been World Central Kitchen, RiverLink, Care International, expressive arts initiatives/ peace work in Gaza, and Foothills Conservancy. After we’ve heard the story, we will collectively decide upon a beneficiary for the evening’s donations.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away).
Register by sending your chosen donation to either Paypal or Venmo with Children of Lir as the subject. Please please make sure that you also provide your email address (as a comment, or as part of the subject line) so I can be sure to send you further details about the event.
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
Lugh and the Glas Gaibhnenn
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is your chosen donation to Foothills Conservancy to protect wildlands.
“There is a magnetic logic in the old tales that can pull one’s deepest feelings up to consciousness and reveal ancient imaginations trying to live again through the human psyche. There are old mysteries here, and the old stories tend to say: this has happened before. What threatens the world and causes human suffering has always been there, depicted in various ways in old stories…” -Michael Meade
Lughnasadh (LOO-nuh-suh), traditionally celebrated on August 1st, is a time to honor the early harvest and the generosity of the land with bonfires, games, feasting, and stories.
Join in for an evening of music, poetry, and conversation centered around the story of Lugh and the magical cow of generativity. Lugh, for whom Lughnasadh is named, has an origin story that weaves together so many fairy-tale tropes (a maiden in a tower! a magical cow! wild twins! riddles at the gate! an evil giant! a sword of power!) and yet resolves, not in the traditional heroic ending, but in a sweet appreciation of the land and all that it offers.
The way depth storytelling goes, you’ll show up, make yourself comfortable, and listen to the story as though it is happening in your own heart, as though each of the characters and landscapes and symbols might be a part of you. (If you are planning to attend in person, there is a chance we may spend a portion of our evening outdoors).
You’ll be invited to share in some quiet writing to harvest what the story offered you, and then to engage in conversation regarding the themes and meaning of the story as we heard it. I’ll offer journal prompts and questions to assist you in finding your own connections with the story. There is no pressure to participate and it is fine just to listen and absorb.
Some people listen to the stories in person, here in my Asheville office, and others gather from around the world via GoogleMeet.
All proceeds from each of these storytelling events go to a beneficiary that feels resonant with the themes of the story. Past recipients have been World Central Kitchen, RiverLink, Care International, and expressive arts initiatives/ peace work in Gaza. After we’ve heard the story, we will collectively decide upon a beneficiary for the evening’s donations.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away).
Register by sending your chosen donation to either Paypal or Venmo with LUGH as the subject. Please please make sure that you also provide your email address (as a comment, or as part of the subject line) so I can be sure to send you further details about the event.
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
Depth Storytelling: The Firebird
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is your chosen donation to an organization that promotes peace.
When we listen to old stories, when we let them in as though they have something to tell us about our own lives, there is a kind of magic that happens. Our brains are wired to learn through story, and when we can find ourselves in the courageous or heartbroken or powerful actions of a character in a story, we can braid ourselves back into this deep human lineage.
I’ve watched it happen again and again, from the light in the eyes of children to the sudden “aha” that resolves in the face of an elder. Stories give us back to ourselves.
For Summer Solstice, I will be sharing a tale from Slavic folklore that exists in several variants. This textured, rich story wends its way through so many themes: the price of inspiration, the sacrifices we make in pursuit of the path that feels true beneath our feet, the importance of relationship to the more-than-human world, and the myriad ways we fall asleep rather than staying engaged in life (and how to wake ourselves back up again).
The way depth storytelling goes, you’ll show up, make yourself comfortable, and listen to the story as though it is happening in your own heart, as though each of the characters and landscapes and symbols might be a part of you. There may be music and poetry woven in, there may be laughter and there may be tears.
You’ll be invited to share in some quiet writing to harvest what the story offered you, and then to engage in conversation regarding the themes and meaning of the story as we heard it. I’ll offer journal prompts and questions to assist you in finding your own connections with the story. There is no pressure to participate and it is fine just to listen and absorb.
Some people listen to the stories in person, here in my Asheville office, and others gather from around the world via GoogleMeet.
All proceeds from each of these storytelling events go to a beneficiary that feels resonant with the themes of the story. Past recipients have been World Central Kitchen, RiverLink, and Care International.
Donations gathered for this story will be sent to the Middle East to support peace efforts on the ground. (My parents, whose longstanding peace work has enabled them to build relationships with thought leaders and peace makers of multiple disciplines and perspectives, will be there in person this summer and will distribute our donations directly).
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away).
Register by sending your chosen donation to either Paypal or Venmo with The Firebird as the subject. Please please make sure that you also provide your email address (as a comment, or as part of the subject line) so I can be sure to send you further details about the event.
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
The Dream of Aengus
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is your chosen donation to Care International.
For Bealtaine/May Day, I will be telling The Dream of Aengus. This story winds through themes of shapeshifting and longing, and touches on the age-old question of how we can win our own sovereignty without sacrificing relationship and intimacy. It is one of the only stories we have regarding Caer Ibormeith, the shapeshifting swan goddess of the dreamworld.
Depth storytelling is more than the simple telling of a tale. It offers points of contact to present-day reality, to themes and archetypes that continue to speak to us. And it offers questions, moments of reflection that open your life back to the generations upon generations that have carried this story forward.
We’ll gather at my office near downtown Asheville (well, the first 8 of us will) and via GoogleMeet from all over the world. I’ll have tea and sparkling water for those attending in person.
I’ll offer a song or poem, then tell the story. We’ll spend some time feeding the story by sharing the places it touched us, and we’ll have some time to write quietly together on the themes that are resonant.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away). All of our donations from this telling will be donated to one of the following organizations; we will decide the beneficiary as a group after the telling. Potential beneficiaries are:
CARE international, working for gender equality, peace, and climate justice
The Audubon Society, protecting birds and bird habitat
Southern Poverty Law Center, fighting for sovereignty for all
Reserve your spot by registering below, or contact me at
When I receive your registration, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
Depth Storytelling: Bóinn and the River of Inspiration
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is proof of a donation to River Link to care for our river.
For Spring Equinox, I will be telling the tale of Bóinn and the river of inspiration. This is a story about boundaries, and generosity, and the price we pay for changing the way things are. It’s a story about imbas forosnai, the poetic inspiration that illuminates the living world.
To reserve a space, send a donation here with the description River of Inspiration. All donations for this telling will go to RiverLink to care for one of the oldest rivers on earth.
Depth storytelling is more than the simple telling of a tale. It offers points of contact to present-day reality, to themes and archetypes that continue to speak to us. And it offers questions, moments of reflection that open your life back to the generations upon generations that have carried this story forward.
We’ll gather at my office near downtown Asheville (well, the first 8 of us will) and via GoogleMeet from all over the world. I’ll have warm drinks available for those attending in person.
I’ll offer a song or poem, then tell the story. We’ll spend some time feeding the story by sharing the places it touched us, and we’ll have some time to write quietly together on the themes that are resonant.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away). All of our donations from this telling will be donated to RiverLink to care for the French Broad River that winds through Asheville, one of the oldest rivers in the world.
Reserve your spot by PayPal with your donation and the description River of Inspiration.
When I receive it, I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email.
More about this project:
There are times lately that I have felt hopeless in the face of war, climate change, and human cruelty. I have learned, through my work and through the wisdom of my clients, that sometimes we are too small to hold sorrows this big. But when we let our sorrows rest on the broad back of a very old story, often, through the story, we can find the beginnings of a way forward.
So I turned to some of my favorite stories with my hopelessness and I listened. This is the project that emerged:
Over the course of 2024, I plan to tell eight stories, one for each of the equinoxes and solstices and the cross-quarter days in between. I plan to align each story with the season of its telling, and to gather donations that we as a community will offer back to the living world.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into the seasons of our year as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
May we, by resting our sorrows on the broad backs of old stories, build a sense of community together, and alchemize hopelessness into loving action.
Spinning Straw Into Gold (and gold into straw)
***If you would like to purchase the recording of this event and obtain a copy of the writing prompts we used to explore the story, reach out to me at—the price is your chosen donation to World Central Kitchen to feed those impacted by disaster.
Depth storytelling is more than the simple telling of a tale. It offers points of contact to present-day reality, to themes and archetypes that continue to speak to us. And it offers questions, moments of reflection that open your life back to the generations upon generations that have carried this story forward.
Spinning Straw into Gold is a story about autonomy, and it’s a story about Othering, and the ways in which we can fall into a trance of productivity that robs us of the things that matter most. It’s a story about the price of prioritizing the One at the cost of the Many. It’s a story about what happens when we fall out of balance with our own natural rhythms and with the wheel of the world.
In many northern-hemisphere farming cultures, February is the time of winter when the first ewes begin to give birth, and fresh milk is finally available. That’s why this time of year is referred to as “Imbolc”—I Mbolg, in the belly—in the bellies of the ewes was the beginning of hope that the long, cold darkness would soon be over. It is also traditional in Gaelic-speaking cultures to weave ornaments of straw in the first days of February as a way of honoring the return of light and hope. So this story of straw and the birth of a child feels right to tell this time of year.
We’ll gather at my office near downtown Asheville (well, the first 8 of us will) and via GoogleMeet from all over the world. I’ll have warm drinks available for those attending in person.
I’ll offer a song or poem, then tell the story. We’ll spend some time feeding the story by sharing the places it touched us, and we’ll have some time to write quietly together on the themes that are resonant.
Three, as we know from fairy tales, is a powerful number. It’s usually the number of attempts it takes to get something right, and often it’s the number of magical tools or skills necessary to overcome the challenge at hand.
Three is also, in the old Irish understanding, the combined power of earth, sea, and sky.
With this offering, I am hoping to build community in three ways:
Community between you and the story, which has things to tell you that I know nothing of.
Community between you, me, and the others gathered to hear the story, and the way the story weaves itself into our lives as a rich, shared metaphor.
Community between our little gathering and the wider world, as our donations weave us and our intentions into the fabric of the planet.
This is the first story of 8 gatherings planned for this year. My intention is to align each story with the season of the telling.
Attendance is pay-what-you-can (suggested donation $20 to $40, but each participant is trusted to find the right amount. No one will be turned away). All proceeds will be donated to efforts to feed the hungry, build justice, combat climate change, and end war.
(For this gathering, your donations will be going to Foothills Conservancy, World Central Kitchen, or Beloved Asheville. We’ll decide which together after the story.)
Reserve your spot by venmo (@Lissa-Carter) with your donation and the description Straw Into Gold. As of this writing the in-person option is sold out.
I’ll send you the link for the gathering if you are attending online and provide further details via email, once your donation is received.
Questions? Story ideas? Organizations you’d like to nominate? Email me at
Boundaries Clinic
“Boundaries are the distance at which I can love both you and me simultaneously.”
-Prentis Hemphill
For four Saturday mornings in January, we will roll up our sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty of understanding, setting, and maintaining personal boundaries. This will be a very small, intimate group so that we can build the trust necessary for experiential practice and targeted role play.
You will gain familiarity and skill with real-time boundary setting using exactly the situations that confound you in your life and relationships. We’ll likely laugh, probably cry, definitely drink our weight in tea and coffee, and emerge with clear, direct tools for taking care of ourselves and others at the exact same time—and a specific plan for applying these tools to your real-life interpersonal conflicts.
This four-part clinic will take place on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11:30 am in Lissa’s sunny Montford office.
Tea, coffee, and light snacks will be provided.
This clinic might be for you if:
you feel a slow burn of resentment toward one or more people that you can’t seem to shake
you have sincerely considered moving out of the state to escape an interpersonal situation
you feel unconsidered, invisible, or misunderstood in one or more of your significant relationships
you find it difficult to do exactly what you want unless you are completely alone
you have tried to set boundaries and have given up because everyone ignores them anyway
you don’t know how to feel okay if anyone near you is upset, sad, or angry at you
Very limited enrollment; this will be an intimate group.

Dreamwork Retreat
Come explore the rich territory of dreamwork through artmaking, story, projective dreamwork, and other dream skills with therapists and Expressive Arts practitioners Julie King Murphy and Lissa Carter. Spend a day immersed in the power of your own dreams, and come away with a tool kit for continuing exploration of your dream imagery.

Midday Makers Series
Join Julie King Murphy for a session or a series of sessions of creative exploration with various art mediums as we make stuff together!
Magic Mondays
Have you ever found yourself slipping back into the week with dread or resentment in the pit of your stomach—or even a sense of numbness, as though it’s hard to differentiate one week from the next?
Many of us long for a re-connection to what is sacred, sweet, and meaningful. We want to get ahead of life’s demands on us and be more intentional about the way we begin our days.
We (Maeve & Lissa) had the idea that if we joined forces—Maeve providing gentle morning movement and meditative breath for a nervous system reboot, and Lissa providing story and guided dreamwork experientials--we could re-enchant our Mondays. And if we start our Mondays differently, the whole week feels different. And if we start these first weeks of blooming spring differently, the whole year feels different.
We’ll gather in the quiet of morning in a beautiful, east-facing space and begin our time with tea, scent, soft music, and guided writing to honor the dream fragments we remember and our intentions for the week. Maeve will lead us in gentle movement and breathwork to slowly enliven and engage the body. Lissa will guide story and dreamwork exercises of writing, artmaking, and active imagination.
Over the course of the four weeks we will learn to “work a dream”, knowledge you can bring with you to deepen your relationship with your own dreamworld.
We will conclude on Beltane, May 1st, with a ritual to welcome in the creative fertility of summer and to honor the dream elements and archetypes we’ve brought into the circle. We’ll sip locust-blossom elixir, dance a traditional circle dance, and weave our own stories back into the wheel of the year.
Come sweeten the dawn of your week with intention and ritual.
Four Monday Mornings: April 10, 17th, 24th and May 1st
Time: 8:00-9:30 am
Place: Inner Light Counseling Collective, located within a historic building between Montford and Charlotte Street
Cost: $190
Samhain Storytime Retreat
Join Lissa Carter and Maeve Hendrix for an embodied exploration of the myth of the Selkie. Through storytelling, herbal ritual, live music, yoga practice, and artmaking, we will re-attune ourselves to the slower, deeper rhythms of the dark half of the year. Sliding scale, $98-$128 per person.
Register at West Asheville Yoga or for more information, email Space is limited.
Leaves and Light: Exploring and Painting with A Beginner's Mind
Fall is a time of revelation. The greens fade from the trees and their true, brilliant colors are shown. What vibrancy! What joy! What truth is waiting to be revealed through you? Come discover during this playful and colorful class!
In this session to be held at ArtPlay in the River Arts District in Asheville, NC, join Julie King Murphy, M.A.,* and Jo Anna Dane, M.A.,* who will guide you through an exploration of leaves, light and our own creative responses that will help you discover the brilliance within that is waiting to be revealed.
Throughout this class you will be invited to explore the color, texture and shape of the autumn leaves. We’ll begin by crafting a group mandala to help us see the treasures within the leaves, colors and patterns. We will then transition to ArtPlay’s new Light Atelier to view the mandala and details within, larger than life on the wall through the beautiful element of light!
Using words and the potent imagery from the mandala & light experience, each participant will also be guided to explore and create an individual painting using acrylic paints.
No experience is necessary. The painting that you create can be realistic or beautifully abstract. You’re also sure to find something new emerging in yourself, a resource ready to harvest, employ and savor this season!
We are excited to be able to offer this incredible class with Julie and Jo Anna at ArtPlay!
Sign up today as a gift for yourself and invite a friend to be a part of this fun group session at ArtPlay in Asheville at the peak of fall color and inspiration!. Come Play!
$65 Materials are included. Register at ArtPlay here
*Who is Julie King Murphy? When you meet Julie, you’ll understand that her name means “youthful” and you may soon wonder if yours does, as well! Though she has over a decade of experience leading group retreats and workshops and is a licensed counselor with certification in expressive arts therapy, Julie’s teaching style is playful, as she welcomes you to “dive right in”, take a break from the routine, and use art as a way toward the joyful life you want to live! Julie’s ability to see beauty everywhere and her obvious delight in the creative process is contagious!
*Who is Jo Anna Dane? Jo Anna is a writer, an artist, an oracle. She creates experiences that guide you to your depths and pull you to your heights. Jo Anna believes that life is a work of art and getting to play in the experience helps us to discover who we are and have always been. She is the curator of the Library of Wonders and Curiosities and a devoted facilitator to the clients she guides on deep healing journeys.
Live Meditation and Intention-setting for Thanksgiving
Many of us are experiencing changes and interruptions to our meaningful holiday rituals, and this can cause sadness and pain. In this free live meditation, we will meet via Zoom and participate in a guided meditation and intention-setting ritual to honor and acknowledge the necessity of change this year as we move into the winter season.
Bring a journal and pen and an open heart. All welcome.
COVID-19 update
Dear ones, we have cancelled all in-person events and groups until such time as it is safe to physically gather again. We acknowledge the Faustian bargain of sacrificing connectedness and mental/emotional well-being for the sake of physical health, and what will likely be far-reaching consequences of these times. Please take care of yourselves and find connection where you can. We are still conducting sessions and workshops via HIPAA-compliant Telehealth. And we know it is not the same.
The Dreaming Time
Join Lissa for a deep, slow dive into the imagery of our dreams. In a dreamy, sun-drenched private residence in historic Montford, we will slow ourselves down to the pace of our dreams. Practicing sacred movement, expressive arts, and projective dreamwork, we will honor and explore the interior worlds that are so often neglected or forgotten in the busy-ness of the everyday.
Bring a dream to work with if you wish ( but do not worry if you don’t have a dream to bring.) Everyone who wishes will have a chance to work their dream in the group.
Mulled cider, spiced tea, and light refreshments will be served. Dress for movement and art making. All materials provided. $80 per person; limited to first 8 registrants.
Do you have a hard time believing your friends when they tell you how talented you are? Is it difficult for you to accept compliments? Have you found yourself shrinking back from your dreams and playing it safe, just in case?
When we are terrified of our potential, we can feel brittle, exhausted, sluggish, trapped. Our "bright shadow", unexplored, becomes an anchor we drag behind us with every step.
This full-moon day will be given to the sacred-time experience of movement, meditation, art-making, and myth-telling, so that together we can experience what it feels like to step into our power with confidence and release our bright shadow into the world.
Come, dive deep into your own bright shadow and stretch with your whole body into the embodied feeling of sovereignty.
This world needs your power.
Space is limited. Registration is first-come, first-serve.
Retreat includes: yoga, all art supplies, herbal infusions, elixirs, and other treats, and a full organic, local lunch.
Feedback from past retreats...
"Amazing, genuine, talented facilitators. Very dynamic and diverse programming. It exceeded my expectations! Powerful, extraordinarily so."
"This was pretty magical and life-changing for one workshop! The most powerful part was the sharing of stories. Lissa and Maeve worked so well together, and everything flowed beautifully. And the ending circle was beyond amazing—a jewel to savor and take into my life."
"This retreat was like a brief but deeply felt therapy session and a boost to my personal growth. This open-hearted sharing allowed me to open, heal, cleanse, and even shake off some “stuff” I’ve been struggling with but challenged to identify. Also—amazing food! Thank you and much gratitude! "
Sweet Relief
~ THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED.~ Email us at if you would like to be informed when we reopen it!
One time per year, Lissa teams up with pleasure coach Briana Anderson to offer this extraordinary experience. Participants have called it
Ridiculously fun!
Juicy, supportive, amazing. I see a shift in my thinking and my life.
So sacred and delicious.
Pure magic.
Do it! Taking this class will change your life.
We will meet for two hours every Tuesday evening, throughout the month of July.
Expect al fresco painting in botanical gardens. Expect laughter until your belly hurts.
Expect fragrant, steaming footbaths and rose petals on your skin.
Expect to meet a part of yourself you have feared, and expect to discover how powerful she is.
Expect to crack through the shell of old stories that have held you stagnant, and find bright new ways forward.
~Space is limited.~
This is an intimate experience and we limit participation to ensure safe space. We will contact you upon registration for an interview to ensure that you are a great fit for this group and that it is a great fit for you!
Registration includes: all art supplies, herbal infusions and treats, guided meditations and coursework to take home, and your own set of Feminine Pleasure Deck oracle cards.
Pricing: $200 through June 15th; $290 thereafter
**SOLD OUT** Sacred Hibernation: First Annual Inner Light Retreat
If this retreat calls to you, please email us to be placed on the waiting list.
Dive deep into the spacious, slow, restful ease of hibernation.
The ability to hibernate for a time---to do NOTHING--to wrap oneself in a blanket of slow, spacious ease--is, we believe, the most deeply healing gift any of us could offer ourselves.
This restorative weekend retreat will coax you into the liminal space of dreamy hibernation with morning yoga classes, somatic meditation, expressive arts rituals, herbal footbath salon, sacred circle dancing, gourmet catered vegetarian meals, dreamwork, and most importantly: deep, spacious, silent, slow time to connect with your own sacred interiority.
We will be holding this space for a full weekend in the mountains above the French Broad River, near historic Marshall, NC, in the beautiful geodesic domes of the Prama Institute.
The early bird price for this weekend retreat, inclusive of lodging, three fresh, gourmet vegetarian meals per day, yoga classes, meditation, dreamwork and somatic movement rituals, and herbal 5-senses salon, is $299.
After December 15th, the price goes up to $399.
Payment plans are available! Reserve your spot for $50, then pay $100 January 15th and $149 February 15th.
This will be an intimate gathering. Limited spaces available; pre-registration required.
This retreat is dedicated to your deep rejuvenation. Come join us for midwinter naps, sweet winter wandering through Prama's beautiful wild grounds, and endless mugs of hot tea. Come, take sacred rest.
6 Week Guided Meditation Course
Are you wanting to develop your own home meditation practice?
This course is for you if:
> You've never practiced meditation and want to learn about the basics of Mindfulness-Based Meditation in a step-by-step process.
> You are already familiar with meditation and want to deepen your understanding while cultivating a daily home based meditation practice with an online sangha (community).
Maeve is offering a 6 week in-depth guided online meditation course beginning January 1st for the New Year. The course will provide weekly guided mindfulness-based meditations paired with useful information on Mindfulness-Based Meditation and weekly integration exercises that include writing, movement and art making. Maeve has extensive background in teaching yoga and meditation, holds a Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is a License Professional Counselor Associate. Her heart is deeply connected to Somatic and Expressive Arts Therapy, which she has been offering individually and in groups for the last few years. Maeve is inspired by the therapeutic magic that occurs during the synthesis of meditation, somatic therapy and art making. Students have reported experiencing fundamental shifts in their life as a result of developing a consistent home meditation practice including, empowerment, clarity, resilience, contentment, and compassion. Maeve is dedicated to offering accessible courses that offer effective guidance for individuals to discover their innate wisdom and their ability to develop a home practice.
What you can look forward to:
- Developing your personalized home meditation practice.
- Learn in depth information and skills for Mindfulness Based Meditation.
- Enjoy being on this journey with an online community.
- Optional writing, movement and art making exercises will be offered each week for reflection and processing.
- Have access to Maeve's audio guided meditations and informational videos for as long as you want. They are yours to keep and continue practicing with!
- During the course you will have email access with Maeve to consult and process with on your 6-week meditation journey.
- 40+ days of consecutive meditation practice to allow the practice to settle in as a new, beneficial habit.
Register Today: Early Bird Special - $55 until 12/15 --- $82 after 12/15
Potential Benefits of Mindfulness Based Meditation:
-Anxiety, stress, depression, exhaustion and irritability may decrease with a consistent meditation practice.
-Reducing pain and the emotional reaction to it.
-Improving working memory, creativity, attention span and reaction speeds. Enhance mental and physical stamina and resilience.
-Enhancing Emotional Intelligence.
-Reducing addictive and self-destructive behavior.
-Increasing grey matter in areas associated with self-awareness, empathy, self-control and attention.
-Improving immune system functioning, increasing cellular regeneration, lowering blood pressure and decreasing the risk of hypertension.
Early Bird Special: $55 before 12/15
After 12/15: $72
The Oracle Card Extravaganza
When did you last feel the divine wind blow across your skin?
We are all part of the web of the sacred, and if we give ourselves the gift of slowing down enough to touch that inner sweetness, we are capable of deep wisdom and profound grace.
This slow Sunday retreat includes yoga class, al fresco organic lunch, delicious elixirs, and a guided, meditative, artistic creation experience from which you will emerge with your very own 60-card oracle deck, a touchstone for your own divine wisdom.
Limited to the first 15 participants.
$99 fee includes all art materials, yoga, al fresco lunch, drinks, and a full 60-card, professionally printed, high-gloss oracle deck. We will meet at a beautiful organic farm in Leicester, NC to step out of time for the day.
Facilitated by Briana Anderson, MA in Spiritual Psychology and creator of the Feminine Pleasure Oracle Deck, and Lissa Carter, MA, LPCA, Expressive Arts Certificate
Yoga class taught by Maeve Hendrix, MA, LPCA, RYT, Expressive Arts Certificate
Permaculture and the Psyche~~Six-Week Series
This 6-week group explores the natural world as teacher. We will meet outdoors as the weather allows, and apply the tried-and-tested ecological principles of permaculture design to the thorny struggles that we face daily: Where did all my time go? When do I get to live my wild and important dreams? How do I discover and serve my purpose in this world? Why do I feel exhausted and worn thin instead of juicy and delighted? Who is my tribe? What can I do to engage in life in a way that honors my full potential?
Co-facilitated by Anastasios Pantelopulos of Forest Light Counseling.
Anastasios brings his expertise in wilderness therapy, gestalt therapy, and rites of passage to this group. Every good permaculture design starts with observation, and Stas will teach us skills for witnessing ourselves through the wisdom of the natural world, the information coded in the body, and the power of ritual.
Co-facilitated by Lissa Carter of Inner Light Counseling Collective.
Lissa's experience as a certified permaculture designer, herbalist, farmer, and wilderness skills fanatic has always colored her approach to counseling. She firmly believes that we are natural beings, and therefore grow deeply healthy as we learn our place within nature.
This six-week gathering will dive deep into the fertile area where ecology and psychology overlap. We will build skill in observing ourselves, understanding our patterns, and transforming the behaviors that lead to suffering by applying permaculture principles to life design. All sessions will include outdoor activities as weather allows. Tea, herbal delicacies, and art supplies will be provided.
$200 for 6-week session
“My experience in permaculture of the psyche was so exquisitely rich. I participated in this course during a time of great transition and unrest in my life and it enabled me to walk away grounded, while at the same time lighter and refreshed. The depth of knowledge that Lissa Carter possesses is inspiring. She shares so fully without overwhelming her audience. And the embodiment of her craft is evident. She takes complex mental concepts and weaves them into simple everyday practices. She makes the exploration of self an absolute joy. She creatively transmutes darkness into light. I felt so completely held and honored during these classes. This woman is a true genius of healing love.”
Who takes care of mama?
Join us at Homegrown Babies for an evening of tea, laughter, and conversation about the realities of motherhood. We did not stop being people when we became mothers! Learn skills and tools for delighting in your life and your body again. When you prioritize yourself, your whole family benefits. Free, all welcome. Hosted by Inner Light Counseling and Coach Briana.
Tea and Talk for Therapists
Join us for this sweet Saturday evening show-and-tell for grown-ups! We'll share tea, talk about the rigors and joys of practicing therapy, and take turns doing small demonstrations of our counseling/coaching style so that we can build a first-hand experience of our local referral base. Open to all counselors, therapists, coaches, and practitioners of the healing arts. Let's build community and lift each other up! $5 donation requested to cover use of the space; no one turned away.
Open House!
We are delighted to introduce ourselves to the community! Come sip tea, nibble delicacies, and join in a brief Expressive Arts practice. Bring friends and family and enjoy a sweet evening of sacred space and connection.
Sound Bath and Restorative Yoga
Treat yourself to a weekly sound immersion during the month of March! Skillfully designed by Justin Anderson (trained sound healer) and Maeve Hendrix (RYT, LPCA) who will lead guided meditation exercises to play with awareness and attune the subtle body.
Self-Care for Caregivers~~On hiatus until July
Tuesdays at 7-8:30pm
Sliding Scale $10-$15
If you are an activist, caregiver, or therapist; if you suffer from burnout or compassion fatigue; if you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders day to day, perhaps it is time to replenish your energy and joy! In this Expressive Arts group we will engage in movement, art-making, co-counseling, poetry, guided meditation, and laughter. We will learn how to utilize mindfulness, embodiment, and somatic awareness to infuse even the most difficult moments with meaning. All welcome. No experience necessary. Tea and art supplies provided.