Winter Solstice


We have arrived at the longest night of the year.

Around the world, this day is celebrated with candles lit long into the night, circle dancing, feasting, music, and bonfires.

What has shifted in you during this time of turning inward?

What do you intend to create for yourself as the light returns?

 Sometime this evening, listen to the music below, and light candles to symbolize the turning of the year. Flip through your journal and circle the 5 words that jump out at you. These may be five words that recur often, or simply the five that leap out from the pages as you read through.  

Let each word become the seed of one line, to create a five-line solstice poem. Each line can be as long or short as you like; each line will incorporate one of your five words.

For example:

My five circled words are:  waiting, night, heart, joy, quiet

Here is my solstice poem:

I have been waiting here since the first light scattered itself over the snow.

This is a long night, a long wait, a long life.

Each lifting star has left a footfall on my heart.

Each call of joy from wren to wren has echoed from my skin.

I know it will grow darker yet. The calls will quiet. The sun will rise.

May you rest deeply and sweetly through the longest night. May the turn of the year fill your life with light once again, and may the seeds you planted in the darkness bloom and thrive!

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Can self-compassion kill self-improvement?


21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Twenty