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Magic Mondays

  • Inner Light Counseling Collective 191 East Chestnut Street Asheville, NC, 28801 United States (map)

Have you ever found yourself slipping back into the week with dread or resentment in the pit of your stomach—or even a sense of numbness, as though it’s hard to differentiate one week from the next?

 Many of us long for a re-connection to what is sacred, sweet, and meaningful.  We want to get ahead of life’s demands on us and be more intentional about the way we begin our days.

We (Maeve & Lissa) had the idea that if we joined forces—Maeve providing gentle morning movement and meditative breath for a nervous system reboot, and Lissa providing story and guided dreamwork experientials--we could re-enchant our Mondays.  And if we start our Mondays differently, the whole week feels different.  And if we start these first weeks of blooming spring differently, the whole year feels different.

We’ll gather in the quiet of morning in a beautiful, east-facing space and begin our time with tea, scent, soft music, and guided writing to honor the dream fragments we remember and our intentions for the week.  Maeve will lead us in gentle movement and breathwork to slowly enliven and engage the body.  Lissa will guide story and dreamwork exercises of writing, artmaking, and active imagination.

 Over the course of the four weeks we will learn to “work a dream”, knowledge you can bring with you to deepen your relationship with your own dreamworld. 

 We will conclude on Beltane, May 1st, with a ritual to welcome in the creative fertility of summer and to honor the dream elements and archetypes we’ve brought into the circle.  We’ll sip locust-blossom elixir, dance a traditional circle dance, and weave our own stories back into the wheel of the year.

 Come sweeten the dawn of your week with intention and ritual.

 Four Monday Mornings:  April 10, 17th, 24th and May 1st

Time:  8:00-9:30 am

Place: Inner Light Counseling Collective, located within a historic building between Montford and Charlotte Street

Cost: $190

November 5

Samhain Storytime Retreat

September 5

Midday Makers Series