21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Eight


Breathing in, I calm my body

Breathing out, I smile.

Dwelling fully in this moment

I know this is a wonderful moment.

If you enjoyed the meditation we did today, you may want to look into the work of Thich Nhat Hanh. His beautiful books have deepened my understanding of meditation and my relationship to the more-than-human world. 


I've been delighting in the music of Aine Minogue lately, and her ethereal voice and harp unintentionally accompany the audio this morning since I was playing her album in my office while I recorded!

As always, I would love to hear what you came up with in your written reflection. You can share in the comments below if you are feeling brave.


"In all the great spiritual traditions, at their heart is tenderness--just to be kind inside, and then everything rights itself. Fear rests. Confusion rests." Pamela Wilson

Wishing you a day of soft open spaces and deep rest!


21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Nine


21 Days of Turning Inward: Day Seven