Free Consultation with Julie (normally, $100 per session; $10 reserves time and is fully refundable or can be applied as a discount on subsequent full session)
Free Consultation with Julie (normally, $100 per session; $10 reserves time and is fully refundable or can be applied as a discount on subsequent full session)
There's no cost for an initial phone conversation (generally 30 minutes) to discuss your interests in counseling or coaching and the services I provide. This introduction is a time for us to consider together whether to establish a counseling or coaching relationship. I charge a fully refundable $10 fee to reserve the time for the consultation. When I receive your reservation, I will contact you to schedule the consultation appointment. At the end of our consultation appointment, the $10 will be refunded or applied as a discount to your first full session, at your choice. I look forward to meeting you. Any questions? Please email me at